Oil Paintings, Painted by Talent Swedish Artists.











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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of the Artist's Wife oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of the Artist's Wife oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7519
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of the Artist's Wife
c. 1517 Tempera on wood, 45 x 34 cm Mauritshuis, The Hague
Retrato de the Artists Wife
c. 1517 Tempera en madera, 45 x 34 cm Mauritshuis, The Hague
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger4.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach a oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach a oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7521
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach a
1519 Oil on pinewood, 28,5 x 27,4 cm Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
Retrato de Bonifacius Amerbach a
1519 Oil on pinewood, 28,5 x 27,4 cm KunstMuseo, -Ouml-ffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger6.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger The Solothurn Madonna f oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger The Solothurn Madonna f oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7522
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
The Solothurn Madonna f
1522 Limewood, 140,5 x 102 cm Museum der Stadt Solothurn, Solothurn
Solothurn Madonna
1522 Limewood, 140,5 x 102 cm Museo der Stadt Solothurn, Solothurn
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger7.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger The Solothurn Madonna (detail) oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger The Solothurn Madonna (detail) oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7523
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
The Solothurn Madonna (detail)
1522 Limewood Museum der Stadt Solothurn, Solothurn
Solothurn Madonna -detail-
1522 Limewood Museo der Stadt Solothurn, Solothurn
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger8.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Erasmus f oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Erasmus f oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7526
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Erasmus f
1523 Oil on wood, 43 x 33 cm Mus??e du Louvre, Paris
Erasmus f
1523 Óleo en Madera, 43 x 33 cm Musee du Louvre, Paris
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger11.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sg oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sg oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7527
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sg
1523 Wood, 76 x 51 cm National Gallery, London
Retrato de Erasmus de Rotterdam sg
1523 Wood, 76 x 51 cm Galería Nacional, Londres
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Venus and Amor sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Venus and Amor sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7531
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Venus and Amor sf
1524-25 Limewood, 34,6 x 26,2 cm Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
Venus y Amor sf
1524-25 Limewood, 34,6 x 26,2 cm KunstMuseo, -Ouml-ffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Lais of Corinth sg oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Lais of Corinth sg oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7542
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Lais of Corinth sg
1526 Limewood, 34,6 x 26,8 cm Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
Lais de Corinth sg
1526 Limewood, 34,6 x 26,8 cm KunstMuseo, -Ouml-ffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger27.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Sir Henry Guildford sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Sir Henry Guildford sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7543
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Sir Henry Guildford sf
1527 Oak, 82,6 x 66,4 cm Royal Collection, Windsor
Retrato de Señor Henry Guildford sf
1527 Oak, 82,6 x 66,4 cm Royal Colección, Windsor
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Sir Brian Tuke af oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Sir Brian Tuke af oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7546
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Sir Brian Tuke af
c. 1527 Oil on wood, 49 x 39 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington
Señor Brian Tuke af
c. 1527 Óleo en Madera, 49 x 39 cm Galería Nacional de Art, Washington
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Darmstadt Madonna (detail) sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Darmstadt Madonna (detail) sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7555
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Darmstadt Madonna (detail) sf
1526 and after 1528 Oil on limewood Schlossmuseum, Darmstadt
Darmstadt Madonna -detail- sf
1526 and after 1528 Oil on limewood SchlossMuseo, Darmstadt
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7558
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam sf
1530 Oil on wood, 33 x 25 cm Galleria Nazionale, Parma
Retrato de Erasmus of Rotterdam sf
1530 Óleo en Madera, 33 x 25 cm Galleria Nazionale, Parma
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7559
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf
1532 Oil on wood, 42,2 x 32,4 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Retrato de a Member of the Wedigh Family sf
1532 Óleo en Madera, 42,2 x 32,4 cm Metropolitan Museo de Artee, Nueva York
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7564
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family sf
1533 Oak, 39 x 30 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Retrato de a Member of the Wedigh Family sf
1533 Oak, 39 x 30 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Derich Born af oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Derich Born af oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7565
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Derich Born af
1533 Oil on oak, 60,3 x 45,1 cm Royal Collection, Windsor
Retrato de Derich Born af
1533 Óleo en roble, 60,3 x 45,1 cm Royal Colección, Windsor
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Robert Cheseman sg oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Robert Cheseman sg oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7566
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Robert Cheseman sg
1533 Oil on oak, 59 x 62,5 cm Mauritshuis, The Hague
Robert Cheseman sg
1533 Óleo en roble, 59 x 62,5 cm Mauritshuis, The Hague
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Dirk Tybis  fgbs oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Dirk Tybis  fgbs oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7567
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Dirk Tybis fgbs
1533 Oil on oak, 47,7 x 34,8 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Retrato de Dirk Tybis fgbs
1533 Óleo en roble, 47,7 x 34,8 cm Kunsthistorisches Museo, Viena
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Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Thomas Cromwell f oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Thomas Cromwell f oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7568
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Thomas Cromwell f
c. 1533 Oak, 76 x 61 cm Frick Collection, New York
Retrato de Thomas Cromwell f
c. 1533 Oak, 76 x 61 cm Frick Colección, Nueva York
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger53.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Unknown Gentleman with Music Books and Lute sf oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Unknown Gentleman with Music Books and Lute sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7569
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Unknown Gentleman with Music Books and Lute sf
c. 1534 Oil on wood, 43,5 x 43,5 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
caballero desconocido con música libros y laúd sf
c. 1534 Óleo en Madera, 43,5 x 43,5 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
(HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger54.jpg)

Artista: HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette ag oil painting picture wholesale

HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Portrait of Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette ag oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  7570
HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger
Portrait of Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette ag
1534-35 Oak, 92,5 x 75,4 cm Gemäldegalerie, Dresden
Retrato de Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette ag
1534-35 Oak, 92,5 x 75,4 cm Gem-auml-ldegalerie, Dresden
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Pinturas:: Retrato
