Oil Paintings, Painted by Talent Swedish Artists.











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Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo The Three Magi ww oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo The Three Magi ww oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4959
The Three Magi ww
c. 1562 Oil on canvas, 92,3 x 117,5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Los tres Reyes Magos
c. 1562óleo en Lona92,3 x 117,5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museo, Viena
(BASSANO, Jacopo1.jpg)

Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo Adoration of the Shepherds ss oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo Adoration of the Shepherds ss oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4960
Adoration of the Shepherds ss
1544-45 Oil on canvas, 139,5 x 219 cm Royal Collection, Windsor
Adoración de Pastores ss
1544-45 óleo en Lona, 139,5 x 219 cm Royal Clección , Windsor
(BASSANO, Jacopo2.jpg)

Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo Madonna and Child with Saints ff oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo Madonna and Child with Saints ff oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4961
Madonna and Child with Saints ff
1545-50 Oil on canvas, 191 x 134 cm Alte Pinakothek, Munich
la Virgen María y Niño Jesús con Santos ff
1545-50 óleo en Lona, 191 x 134 cm Alte Pinakothek, Munich
(BASSANO, Jacopo3.jpg)

Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo The Way to Calvary ww oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo The Way to Calvary ww oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4962
The Way to Calvary ww
c. 1540 Oil on canvas, 145 x 133 cm National Gallery, London
el Camino a Emaús
c. 1540 óleo en Lona, 145 x 133 cm Galería Nacional, Londres
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Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo Supper at Emmaus sf oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo Supper at Emmaus sf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4963
Supper at Emmaus sf
c. 1538 Oil on canvas, 235 x 250 cm Sacristy, Parish Church, Cittadella
Superior de Emaús
c. 1538óleo en Lona, 235 x 250 cm Sacristy, Parish Church, Cittadella
(BASSANO, Jacopo5.jpg)

Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo The Last Supper ugkhk oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo The Last Supper ugkhk oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4964
The Last Supper ugkhk
1542 Oil on canvas Galleria Borghese, Rome
La Última Cena ugkhk
1542 óleo en LonaGalleria Borghese, Roma
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Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo St Valentine Baptizing St Lucilla  fgh oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo St Valentine Baptizing St Lucilla  fgh oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4965
St Valentine Baptizing St Lucilla fgh
c. 1575 Oil on canvas Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa
San Valentino Bautiza A Santa Lucía fgh
c. 1575 óleo en Lona Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa
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Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptistn 76uy oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptistn 76uy oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4966
Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptistn 76uy
1570 Oil on canvas Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
la Virgen María y el Infante Cristo con San Juan el Bautista 76uy
1570óleo en Lona Galleria degli Uffizi, Florencia
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Artista: BASSANO, Jacopo
BASSANO, Jacopo St. Jerome dgd oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Jacopo St. Jerome dgd oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4968
St. Jerome dgd
1556 Oil on canvas, 119 x 154 cm Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
San Jérome dgd
1556 óleo en Lona, 119 x 154 cm Gallerie dellAccademia, Venecia
(BASSANO, Jacopo10.jpg)

Artista: BASSANO, Leandro
BASSANO, Leandro Moses Striking the Rock  dsd oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Leandro Moses Striking the Rock  dsd oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4970
BASSANO, Leandro
Moses Striking the Rock dsd
Oil on canvas, 102 x 12 cm Mus??e du Louvre, Paris
Musgos Golpea a la Roca dsd
óleo en Lona, 102 x 12 cm Mus??e du Louvre, Paris
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Artista: BASSANO, Leandro
BASSANO, Leandro Penelope oil painting picture wholesale

BASSANO, Leandro Penelope oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4972
BASSANO, Leandro
1575-85 Oil on canvas, 92 x 85 cm Mus??e des Beaux-Arts et d'Arch??ologie, Rennes
1575-85 Óleo en lona, 92 x 85 cm Mus??e des Beaux-Arts et dArch??ologie, Rennes
(BASSANO, Leandro3.jpg)

Artista: BASSEN, Bartholomeus van
BASSEN, Bartholomeus van Renaissance Interior with Banqueters f oil painting picture wholesale

BASSEN, Bartholomeus van Renaissance Interior with Banqueters f oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4974
BASSEN, Bartholomeus van
Renaissance Interior with Banqueters f
1618-20 Oil on wood, 57,5 x 87 cm North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh
Renacimiento Interior con Banquetes f
1618-20 Óleo en Madera, 57,5 x 87 cm North Carolina Museo de Arte, Raleigh
(BASSEN, Bartholomeus van2.jpg)

Artista: BASTIANI, Lazzaro
BASTIANI, Lazzaro The Relic of the Holy Cross is offered to the Scuola di S. Giovanni Evangelista oil painting picture wholesale

BASTIANI, Lazzaro The Relic of the Holy Cross is offered to the Scuola di S. Giovanni Evangelista oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4979
The Relic of the Holy Cross is offered to the Scuola di S. Giovanni Evangelista
c. 1494 Tempera on canvas, 319 x 438 cm Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
(BASTIANI, Lazzaro1.jpg)

Artista: BATONI, Pompeo
BATONI, Pompeo The Ecstasy of St Catherine of Siena oil painting picture wholesale

BATONI, Pompeo The Ecstasy of St Catherine of Siena oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4981
BATONI, Pompeo
The Ecstasy of St Catherine of Siena
1743 Oil on canvas Museo di Villa Guinigi, Lucca
Éxtasis de San Catalina de Sienna
1743 Óleo en lona Museo di Villa Guinigi, Lucca
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Artista: BATONI, Pompeo
BATONI, Pompeo Madonna and Child  ewgdf oil painting picture wholesale

BATONI, Pompeo Madonna and Child  ewgdf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4982
BATONI, Pompeo
Madonna and Child ewgdf
c. 1742 Oil on canvas Galleria Borghese, Rome
la Virgen María y Niño Jesús ewdgf
c. 1742 Óleo en lona Galleria Borghese, Roma
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Artista: BATONI, Pompeo
BATONI, Pompeo Sensuality dhg oil painting picture wholesale

BATONI, Pompeo Sensuality dhg oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4984
BATONI, Pompeo
Sensuality dhg
1747 Oil on canvas, 138 x 100 cm The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Sensualidad dhg
1747 Óleo en lona, 138 x 100 cm Ermita, St. Petersburg
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Artista: BATONI, Pompeo
BATONI, Pompeo Susanna and the Elders gmg oil painting picture wholesale

BATONI, Pompeo Susanna and the Elders gmg oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4985
BATONI, Pompeo
Susanna and the Elders gmg
Oil on canvas Civici Musei, Pavia
Suana y el Viejo gmg
Óleo en lona Civici Musei, Pavia
(BATONI, Pompeo6.jpg)

Artista: BECCAFUMI, Domenico
BECCAFUMI, Domenico Trinity fgj oil painting picture wholesale

BECCAFUMI, Domenico Trinity fgj oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4988
Trinity fgj
1513 Oil on wood, 152 x 228 cm Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
Trinidad fgi
1513 Óleo en Madera, 152 x 228 cm Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
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Artista: BECCAFUMI, Domenico
BECCAFUMI, Domenico Trinity (detail) df oil painting picture wholesale

BECCAFUMI, Domenico Trinity (detail) df oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4989
Trinity (detail) df
1513 Oil on wood Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
Trinidad -Detalle- df
1513 Óleo en Madera Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
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Artista: BECCAFUMI, Domenico
BECCAFUMI, Domenico Birth of the Virgin dfgf oil painting picture wholesale

BECCAFUMI, Domenico Birth of the Virgin dfgf oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  4990
Birth of the Virgin dfgf
c. 1543 Oil on wood, 233 x 145 cm Accademia, Siena
el Nacimiento de La Viren dfgf
c. 1543 Óleo en Madera, 233 x 145 cm Accademia, Siena
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Pinturas:: Figuras
