Here are other William Orpen's oil paintings.
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abstract architecture Scottsdale abstract background hostname icon Hoogeveen The Artist, Emile Bernard The Queen of Sheba before Solomon A hat in the desert Wayne Mosaics from Hadrian-s valla at Tivoli architect landscape Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Famil Otto Muller Soldiers resting before a set of ruins The Mourning of Christ Galesburg The Crucifixion of Saint Peter -detail- Head of a Peasant Woman with White Cap - Regatta on the Canale Grande -08- The Tournament The Beach at Truouville Norphlet Chrysanthemums 111 Glad Day Madonna and Child A Poor dervish deserves,through his wisd Young Man with an Apple Portrait of a Man aet Arstide Sommati -38- painting in oil henry john sylvester stannard Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl Self-Portrait While Engraving Italianate Landscape with a River and an The Abduction of Rebecca Pinchus Kremegne -38- Upperkalskag The peace of the morning The Grief of the Pasha Triana
William Orpen:
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