Here are other Eric Hallstrom's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Buffalo David with the Head of Goliath dfg The Holy Family with a Little bird The New Novel -44- Bacchus -df02- Detail of St.Barbara Peasant Woman Sitting on a Chair -nn04- Death Portrait of the Protonary Carlo de Medic asexual reproduction in plant Mannheim The Night Watch -08- q burns abstract message The house in Paris The Hunter-s Returm -13- Piero di Cosimo,Venus and Mars Self Portrait-y A Present to Mother Lucy to Eliza Ann Ta Lovis Corinth Portrait of Monsieur Delaporte at the Ja The Sorceress -41- London- the Thames and the City of Londo Mrs.Harriet Greer The Flight into Egypt The Beach at Guernsey Robinson Pasvalys Sylvester Le Moulin de la Galette -nn04- Mars -df02- The Baptism of Christ sag A Greek phil osopher holding a book Path to the Blue Mountains The Teacups -09- Witchcraft George Marks art corporate Sleetmute The Voyage of Life- Youth The portrait of Mamontoff
Eric Hallstrom:
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