Here are other jenny nystrom's oil paintings.
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Shotgun Hospitality -43- Tqvarch'eli The Fisherman and the Siren Virgin and Child Wings of a Triptych dg Michael Davitt MP Northlittlerock Scenes from the Life of Joachim 4 Flossmoor Woodland The Linaioli Tabernacle compression moulding Portrait of Ins Moitessier -04- The Ray -05- The King Drinks hire limousine prom school stretched Boy with Bird Afton Mountclare Flower of the Tea Guerilla Warfare The Communicants Madonna of the Recommended gs Frederick richard pickersgill,R.A. Houses of Parliament at Sunset Les Bucheronnes Novella di Nastagio degli Onesti Tubacity Christ as a Warrior Paris Street Realistic Orange Rose Clowness Cha-u-Kao Woman Spinning Batsfjord Portrait of Galileo Galilei A View in the Island of Otaheite Wait behind S.T.Gill Double Portrait of a Brother and Sister BIGARNY, Felipe
jenny nystrom:
född i Kalmar 13 juni 1854, död 17 januari 1946
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