An Old Woman Cooking Eggs Rue de Princesse,Louveciennes Evening Breeze -06- mirror frame Dolores Eregli Train en gare Christ on the Cross The old Tower of Nuenen with a Ploughman animal services Gu-win Portrait of Sarah Stein -35- The Holly Gatherers -46- Study of Arts Helena Fourment Seated on a Terrace -01- The Dwarf Francisco Lezcano, Called El N William Waud Female Model in Bright Red Jacket and Pa Ranchopalosverdes Madonna of the Cloth Portrait of Ariosto The Anatomy Lesson of Dr.Joan Deyman Mlle.Gachet in Her Garden at Auvers-sur- Broken Colunms,View from the Parthenon,A Reader on a Black Background-The Pink Ta Kuldiga Ewabeach Le Printemps (Spring) The Assumption of Mary Magdalen into Hea Draped Nude HarveTime,Dorney,Near Windsor -37- Lawtey Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception The End of the Day -43- Timberpines Portrait of Elsbeth Tucher Giovanni Biliverti Newalbany Portrait d-un nain tenant un volume sur Lemuel Francis Abbott