Here are other Nikolay Fechin's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Birth of the Virgin English The Light of the World Dagmar Luke Fildes Greenwood Lake boulevard gogh painter petit van vincent In Memoraim Democritus and Protagoras Jean-Baptiste Isabey and his Daughter stretched on your grave Cyclotron-s shape make your own buddy icon Hester Street Louis emile pinel de Grandchamp Three Women in Church 2006 miss photo world Arles L-Opera Children Playing on the Beach Bartolome Carducho framed photograph Coming from Evening Church Still Life with Oranges and Walnuts ag Osgood North Feast in the House of Levi Octave Penguilly - L Haridon Bluffs The Artist-s Mother 1 Giuseppe Maria Crespi The Tuscan General Alessandro del Borro Throught Station van gogh and gauguin the studio of the s Sabobai and Benaiah Portrait of Baudouin de Lannoy nere Sunday Morning at Appledore Birth of the Virgin Young Girl with a Flute Bindo Altovi
Nikolay Fechin:
Russian, 1881-1955
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