Here are other Joseph E.Southall's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Albion Allegory of Vice The Battle of Issus Churdan Wetumpka digital frame Madeleine au Bois d-Amour -19- Karl Nordstrom Rembrandt Peale Gebrt Hanes -18- Esther and Abasuerus -33- Stratton wood calendar frame Horse Asleep -34- DOMENICO VENEZIANO Southport caricature The nude female in front of green hangin Beach at Scheveningen The Parthenon from the Southeast A young Man with a eathered cap and a go Flora Weissagung der Sybille an Augustus Street Scene with Bakery here are Harmon The Bird Cage Breton Peasants Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Rusinovo View of Ilfracombe,Devon Hoffmanestates Rome- The Arch of Constantine ffg Crucifixion wt Promise of Spring The Way we hear it is the way we sing it The Last Supper -detail- sg art nouveau Young Girl in a Green Dress -35- Still-Life with a Skull jg
Joseph E.Southall:
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