Here are other Joseph E.Southall's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
The Fisherman-s House at Varengeville Ivan Khrutsky Dablija Portrait of a Prelate Idyllwild-pinecove Bradley Breezing up -09- Portrait of a Lady at the Court of Milan The Garden in Famelettes Wild Flowers and Thistles in a Vase -nn0 Arthur Devis female photo Christ on the Cross dfg Prince K A Gorchakov -san 05- White and yellow chrysanthemum Jupiter and Callosto The Judgment of Paris Man with a Golden Lace St. Francis in Ecstasy f president wild The Doge on the Bucentaur at San Niccol Paula Modersohn-Becker The Rialto Bridge from the Riva del Vin Triumph of St George -detail- dsf Hugo Simberg Spiceland Details of Pope Leo X With Cardinals Giu The Guard Romm -05- Braceville 3 abstract art Espagnois -40- The Negro Page dfg Heads of the Rebel Beys at the Mosque of Songstress The Beautiful Angele The White horse The Fountain at Villa Torlonia in Frasca The Family of Charles IV Details of The Stag Hunt Bird--s Nest and Ferns
Joseph E.Southall:
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