Here are other Joseph E.Southall's oil paintings.
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Frieseke, Frederick Carl L Automne Portrait of the Artist Holding a Life St The Muses in the Sacred Wood St.Andrew before the Cross Michael Angelo and Emma Clara Peale Puberty View of the main apsidal chapel dfg Oedipus Explains the RIddle of the Sphin Charon Ferrying the Shades art The Healing of the Madman -detail- fdg The Chapel viewed from the entrance dfg The Burial of Count Orgaz Louis Eysen Games Victoriac Berry Picker Robin Hood and the Men of Greenwood Mrs Grace Elliot Pho Xai Louis Comfort Tiffany St,Sebastian Ernest Walbourn The British Fleet Sailing into Lisbon Ha winter animal Arcade A Passing Storm Going to work Leary The Valley Farm Dunlap Jeune fille assise -38- Qarasu Farm Courtyard in Normandy Three Stories from the Life of St.Benedi General Alexei Yermolov Storuman Adonis Parting from Venus s Godley Tok
Joseph E.Southall:
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