Here are other Joseph E.Southall's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Ex Voto -08- View of Vanves to the Left of the Gate o Harvest Portrait of a man Musical Instruments Cottonwood-verdevillage Afternoon Sky,Harney Desert -43- Portrait of the Artist Lovers Ellisville The Tuscan General Alessandro del Borro Shumway The Birth of the Virgin -05- Christ in the Carpenter-s Shop -detail- Vase of Flowers Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS.John Morning A Capricious Woman Self-Portrait before a Birch Wood The Wedding at Cane -01- Seated Woman with a Letter Portrait of Sarah Stein -35- May Wilson Preston Vase with Carnations -nn04- Veil of Mystery Bantam Fourche The Miracle of Lactation Giovanni Boldini The Supper at Emmaus Covina The Death of Caesar Boys in a Pasture -44- D ou venous-nous The Happiness of Being a Mother wood canopy bed frame Francis Coates Jones Landscape with River and a Bay in Backgr monet earring Horse Asleep -34-
Joseph E.Southall:
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