Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Maesta St Sebastian jj Richmondhill art fine original Henry McCarter Self Portrait Campagna di Roma The Death of Germanicus Tanaquil, Wife of Lucomo St John the Baptist Landscape with Buildings d The Queen-s Reconciliation with Her Son Going to Market -37- Rembrandt and Saskia in the Scene of the Joseph Heintz snow scenery SS.Vincent,james,and Eustace Suprematist Composition Village Bullfight Giottino Morning amongst the Coniston Fells The Village Feast gh Frederiksborg An Old Woman Resurrection Gonzales Coques At the Edge of the Water Basin -nn02- The Temptation of Job In the Jelly Jar Irwin Bataille Navale A Corner of the Apartment Detail of The Nightwatch -33- Madonna and child with the Young St John Culver Cocoabeach The Madonna Adoring the Child Jesus Fordheights The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Cloth Ecce Homo dhy
Fernard Leger:
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