Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Winter The Defence of Saragossa -22- Portrait of Cardinal Nicola Albergati -0 framed art sale Bankruptcy Still Life 2 Aleknagik Laid Table dfh Illustration to the Tale of Monkeys Glaciers,Kara Sea A Swiss Girl from Interlaken Winnetka Rhode island The Death of Procris Adam Colonia Ecce Homo San Antonio The Prayer of the Spinner s The Angel of the Annunciation CAPORALI, Bartolomeo Bouquet of Flowers Craiova La melancolie -11- Details of The Group of Children Auvers Town Hall on 14 july 1890 Breda Crowsnest The Madonna Adoring the Child Jesus Rue Saint Denis, 30th June 1878 Kijon Christ on the Cross aer Alma Details of Primavera-Spring The Voyage of Life-Manhood -13- Ludwig, Graf Von Langenstein Beljakovce American Eclipse Raffaello The Dakota Chief - One Horn Landscape with St.Bruno
Fernard Leger:
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