Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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VICTORS, Jan Giovanni Segantini de oil painting The Three Magdalenes DFY fine arts Virgin and Child Woman Holding a Fruit Man with a Cat Predella- Deposition wrf But Men must work and Women must weep -4 Halt of the Wise Men Abraham and the three Angels -33- Altarpiece of St.Nicholas of Tolentino Polyptych Bath Unalaska Galland Pierre Victor The Demon Cast Down The Horses of Neptune -19- Medea View of the main apsidal chapel dfg Red Flowers and Begonia Leaves in a bask The Plague in Rome Firework Display The rods of house St. Mary Magdalene Nicodemus, and a Serv Alfred William Hunt,RWS The Annunciation 9 Dead Roe ag Ready POLACK, Jan Self Portrait _8 A Dangerous Country -43- Disputation with Simon Magus and Crucifi An Angel Awakens the Prophet Elijah dfg Crossroad of the rue Remy Storm in the Mountains The Adoration of the Magi -01- Simivalley The park of Paris
Fernard Leger:
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