Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Carousing Couple View of Amersfoort illustration Manfred and the Witch of the Alps -47- Urbana Narcissus The Martyrdom of St Stephen -08- Village Musicians a Union Square in Spring Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi -detail The Virgin and St Anne Jose Gutierrez De La Vega The Cascatelli ivoli, Looking Towards Ro Bytom California landscape Kivalina ZUCCARO Federico Job Mocked by his Wife Max Klinger animal wallpaper The Young Mothers -19- The Calling of Saint Matthew -detail- fd The Jester Ranney William Tylee Proverbs -detail- fgd Self-portrait at the Easel -04- Le Moulin de Blute-Fin -nn04- Back of body Details of Caesar Augustus and the Tibur Recreation by our Gallery Solario An old man asleep at the Hearth -33- At the Edge of Shere Heath -46- Nicosia Collegecity Willem Cornelisz Duyster Cardinal Richelieu mjkh Portrait of a Lady in Blue 5 Cavaliers espagnols -40- National Gallery, Washington
Fernard Leger:
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