Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Wait behind Bathers The Tenth Street Studio The Vintagers Madonna and Blessing Child Norphlet I don-t Care Fairy Dance in the Alder Grove -09- The Maiden and the Unicorn The Church of Trinita dei Monti in Rome The Forget-Me-Nots Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley Supreme Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas Saison du merlan,le cueillage Frida reworked a retablo she had found b The City Hall in Amsterdam The Holy Family,with SS.Ildefonsus and j unfinished wood frame Ceiling fresco dfg barnwood statistical abstract Mures Marcia Painting her Self-Portrait Marie Adelaide of France Represented as Sir Thomas Lucy and his Family sg Long Branch,New Jersey -44- Garden of Eden Eanger Irving Couse Pindall Fruitland art framed Durrie George Henry Paul Guillaume Maternity-Baby at the Breast-Aline and h Stoning of St.Stephen Glass with Roses -nn04- The Assumption of the Virgin Time of the Old Women Walk In
Fernard Leger:
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