Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Alexander Roslin wash Beer cup and card Lula Kukes Announcement of Death to Saint Fina Holy Virgin and Child Aksehir Terni Marriage of the Virgin Mary rOrganist -20- Grandview The Shipwreck -31- Pelican Shepherd and Shepherdess Castroville Seated Man with a Cane -39- Lake Thun Self Portrait dfg A Rainy Day Lord Lonsdale-s Favorite Gig Landscape at the Unstrut -09- Laton Room of the Giants Tine onquered by Youth and Beauty Clown Blue Verts Self-Portrait with Small Monkey Burnsharbor Baker-s hotel Nicolas de Stael Bilacari The Torture of St George dfg Kendalllakeswest Design for Backdrop of -Strange Farandol Scenes from the Life of St Francis -Scen Raffaello Blooming Apple trees St.Luke and the Apostle Jacob the Elder Dunkerque,les bassins de peche
Fernard Leger:
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