Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
The Fem holding parasol Le Tombeau de Van Spaendonck The Angelus A Woman Having her Hair Combed Adoration of the Child -detail- dgj The Burial of Atala Shepherdess Details of Primavera-Spring johnwilliam waterhouse,R.A. The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti -deta La Fin du Dejeuner Masterpieces The Young Mothers -19- St. Agnes Atwood Marquesa de Pontejos Louvre Show Storm with a Shipwreck abstraction data design object structure abstract rude Trees in a Field on a Sunny Day -nn04- Portrait of a Man in a Slouch Hat sf La Montagne Sainte-Victoire vue des Lauv Pueblo View of an Alpine Valley probably the Va Kuceviste The Cashmere Shawl -18- Count N.D.Guriev Northedwards Elva Road to The Spaniards A Farm St. Paul Portrait of a Young Girl extremely stretched pussy Trumbull View of the Herengracht, Amsterdam sf Crucifixion dsh The Market Garden et Equestrian Portrait of Dona Maria Teresa
Fernard Leger:
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