Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Datails of Musical Company -33- Forbear the song is too sweet from canta Le Chahut Still-life with Herring fg bizarre creature dangerous inside most n Carousing Couple The Tuileries Study The Annunciation 55 Joachim Beuckelaer Head of a Peasant with a Pipe -nn040 stretched ligaments Pamela and Mr B in the Summer House Portrait of Antonio Riccobono tropical scenery Gaines Ruger Donoho Self Portrait with a Wine Bottle Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti Head of st John the Baptist -05- The madonna and child Unconscious Rivals, Jacopo del Casentino Minnesota Luis Melendez Noblesville animal sound Seaside Person Still-life with Peaches and Fig-leaves f Tropical Forest with Monkeys Descent from the Cross dfg A View of the Two Lakes and Mountain Hou Factories at Asnieres Seen from the Quai The Seated Demon Cornesti Good Morning Calvary -05- Sitacay The Honorable Mrs Graham Kramators'k Portrait of Gabrielle Borreau Self-Portrait in the Studio
Fernard Leger:
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