Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Choate Bridge, Winter Almaisa The Algerian Woamn CARRACCI, Lodovico An Apostle sg Afternoon sunshine The Last Judgement Triptych Easthemet San Fernando Valley Eavesdropper with a Scolding Woman Twincity Tampa Frauenfeld St Catherine Appearing to the Prisoners An elegant company dancing and resting i Saint Sebastian Kerch Delraybeach Diana and Calisto dfhg The Virgin -20- The Moching of Christ -01- Death Napoleon at Arcola -09- La Montagne Sainte-Victoire Alexandre Seon The Parkman Outfit-Henry Chatillon Guide natural wood picture frame Perspective view Arrival at St Lazare Station Landscape with goatherd and goats Mauritz F H Haas Landscape with Acteon and Diana ag The Feast Day of St Roch -detail- f Oak Canopy Portrait of George Clifford Earl of Cumb Fete champetre-Concerto in the Country- Portrait of Alphonse Maureau The Rustler Flaming June Shooting for the Beef Vincent-s Bedroom in Arles -nn04-
Fernard Leger:
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