Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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California landscape Slaughtered Pig -14- Frans van Mieris Daniel van Heil The virgin and child Minot A Grove of Eucalyptus in Spring Victor Mottez Christ Crowned with Thorns Officer with a Laughing Girl Sid Between Tallarook and Yea 1880 Landscape with Birds Kirkland Festa at Fiesole Weed Mineralsprings The Entombment fg Dante and the Three Kingdoms -detail- fd Tri-lakes art buchwald Frederico Bartolini Fight Between the Black Feet Parma Allegory of the Creation Ganymede The Greengrocer Portrait de Jenne homme de profil -df02- The Last Circuit of Pilgrims at Clonmacn Portrait of a Little Gril with a Book The Regents of the Kloveniersdoelen Eati Portstjohn The Trinity and Four Saints stretched skin Bigpine is picture frame Venus and Adonis, detail AR Ostersund Self-Portrait -nn04- Japonaiserie-Bridge in the Rain -nn04-
Fernard Leger:
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