Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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A Button L-Accordee du Village -08- bill james baseball abstract Still life with Silver Lustre Vase Don Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot Neskaupstadhur La Villa Medicis a Rome -deux hommes a l The Night Before the Examination Agn Details of Primavera -36- Mooreland Adrianus Eversen Calumetpark Matteson Recreation by our Gallery Portrait of a Young Man dfg Venus and Two Cupids dsf Italian Landscape with the Ruins of a Ro The Madonna with the Long Neck Poilu and Tommy The Milkmaid Gathering Summer Flowers -37- Ramah Fortpiercesouth The Fall - Adam and Eve Tempted by the S Portrait of a Young Girl with a Prayer B Hunting -05- Venus at her Mirror -The Rokeby Venus- g Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS.Fran Madonna and Child with Angels playing Mu van gogh art print Carlos Schwabe Lady with a Mandolin Self Portrait_10 mosaic Italian Landscape with Herdsman and a Pi Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows2 The Little Street -detail- ewt Glennsferry Bassett
Fernard Leger:
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