Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Ploce Election Night -43- William blair bruce The Nativity and Adoration of the Shephe Connersville A Family Concert -25 Coming from Evening Church Study of Fruit The Return from the Fair Buford Santaana Fa-ccedil-ade of the Cathedral dh The Deposition from the Cross To the Unknown British Soldier in France Kiruna Albert Cuper -05- painting in fresco Wedding Sports on a Frozen River Walters Art Gallery,Baltimore Flood Waters The Battle of Issus Sir Thomas Gresham e6 The Thresher-s supper Glennsferry Bigflat The Grand Canal with San Giorgio Maggior Details of King philip iv of spain Watching the Tempest -44- Woman with Lilacs Fair Rosamund Bandits- Stopping Place Archibald M Willard Portrait of a Child dfg Bardolph Young Man Sharpening a Pen Breakers at Granville Point -22- A View at Hampstead Evening 31 july 1822 St. Martin Mars,venus and cupid
Fernard Leger:
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