Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
In the Spring Time -460 The Harvest of the World Still life with a Basket of Vegetables - Portrait of a Young Man Lilly Still Life with Four Stone Bottles,Flask reeve stretcher Point Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen Black Bashi-Bazouk Diptych of Jean Carondelet sdg Figure The Allegory of Love Le Repos -07- Commemorative Painting of Charles IV-s V Corum Waipio Les Affliges William Romeyn The Mass of St. Gregory The Last Farewell Portrait of Phillippe de Courcillon Fighting Temeraire Tugged to Her Last Be Garneray Ambroise Elgin Highland The Girls on the Bridge 1891 Yale Unverstity Dun Laoghaire Legros, Alphonse Cynthiana Portrait of Galileo Galilei Without Hope Jihomoravsky Romoland Self-Portrait at the Age of 63,1669 Excavation Worker Cabot Landscape in Moonlight -22- Prometheus Bound
Fernard Leger:
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