Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Southbend The Coronation of the Virgin Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton Ancient Ruins with a Great Arch and a Co The Tooth-Drawer gh Near the Beach, Shinnecock L-amitie -26- A Village Pastoral Scene Femme de Biskra -32- A Hunter with Dogs Against a Landscape Saint Casilda The Night Back The Person of Landscape Kinsey The Presentation in the Temple Plaza de Toros - The Entry of the Bull Summer The Martyrdom of St.Agnes California Orpheus Portrait of an Old Man St Sebastian Triptych Christ Among the Doctors Saint Louis Renderingjustice -26- Whitestoneloggingcamp The Dancer Moa -12- Green Idleness Captain James Cook Mrs Ezekiel Goldthwait Venus and Amor sf Portrait of Jan de Leeuw swh Pablo de Valladolid The Death of Siegfried M and Mme Bernheim de Villers The Adoration of the Infant Jesus with S Portrait of a Man with a Skull Cap -nn04 Ingallspark Man in Armour
Fernard Leger:
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