Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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The Young maid Anselm Feuerbach Romeoville Kielce Nightfall Down the Thames Charles Cottet The Regent Street Panorama Landscape in Moonlight -22- van gogh amsterdam Portrait of Ginevra Bentivoglio SPELT, Adrian van der Acbille de Gas en Aspirant de Marine The Conquest of Jerusalem A voat passing a lock St. Dominic. Countryclubtrail Knittelfeld polystyrene Portrait of the Artist -25- Blackcanyoncity View of the Fortifications Sealbeach The Flight into Egypt purism The Kiss The Skater For Henry Ford Hospital,Frida used the r Vasily Kandinsky LONGHI, Alessandro define abstract art Damascus The Soldiers of Christ Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon -43 Field of Daisies Beware of Luxury Seascape with a Shipwreck Interior of a Tailor s Shop The Private View of the Royal Academy Hollowayville The Derby at epson
Fernard Leger:
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