Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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The Bark during the Flood Ex Voro Schramcity Le Benedicite -Saying Grace- -05- Singer With a Glove Pay one-s respects to Belei Bartolome Bermejo abstract rude Merry Christmas in the Baron-s Hall Two Men on a Footbridge Over a Stream miss usa photo William Frand Calderon Self-Portrait at the Easel Picture Merchant van gogh sunflower red winged blackbird Mrs Thomas Gage The Man of Sorrows OSTADE, Adriaen Jansz. van Alta A Woman holding a mask The Grand Canal,Venice The Dead Christ -05- May Wilson Preston Elnora Break ground Sterling Falkoping The Waters Murmuring The Calm Sea Utenos Westharrison The Forge of Vulcan Francisco de Goya Sacrifice to Vesta Assumption of the Viorgin A Story from the Life of Joseph the Hebr Coronation of the Virgin sdf Susanna and the Elders Paul Chenavard Farm on the Hillside
Fernard Leger:
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