Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Christ on the Lake of Gennesaret Franz Bischoff Flight into Egypt Le bapteme du Christ -11- Countess A.M. Vorontsova Still-Life with Garland of Flowers and G HAMEN, Juan van der Till Vesper Bade the Swain Vernonburg Isabella Coymans sg Victorious David 1627 Oil on canvas Beachpark Deerfield Tiburon Housetops The Death of Major Peirson -08- A fair-haired female nude Narva Venus at Paphos Tuscaloosa Davis Louis Eilshemius Lewes Elysian Fields Three Women Combing their Hair A Present to Mother Lucy to Eliza Ann Ta Breakfast Mansfield photo album Marchesa Elena Grimaldi fg Portrait of a Woman called La Schiavona View Across Frenchman s Bay from Mt.Dese Figure Gelyna e3 Children Paddling Walberswick Figure Catalina Micarla of Savoy Lacoochee Gone.But Not Forgotten Water-Lilies Mademoiselle Jeanne Roberte de Domecy
Fernard Leger:
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