Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Flowers Under the Oaks Blue Figure Banks Portrait of Doctor Gachet Mt Tamalpais from the North -42- River Landscape Margaret Cecil Countess of Ranelagh -25 Maria Luisa of Parma Poulan Rijksmuseum Amsterdam King Louis Philippe Mr - Mrs Edouard Manet Landscape with Paris and Oenone fdg Victoria Like Flames her Long Red Tresse Christ in the House of Mary and Martha d Iris Golgotha Tyrol Benozzo Gozzoli portrait of Frederick Ribel on horseback Portrait of Hendrickje Stofells xgy The Saviour Dunreith Maternity-Baby at the Breast-Aline and h The Fountain of Youth -08- The Death of Chevalier Bayard -25- Italian Landscape Vicious Circle -19- Henry Samary St. George Kills the Dragon The Hungry Moon -43- El Aguador de Sevilla Landscape with Distant River and Bay -05 Landscape with Aeneas at Delos Flowering Garden The Martyrdom of St.Justina Thatched Cottages at Cordeville Pope Pius VII -25- Wassily Kandinsky Willows at Vetheuil
Fernard Leger:
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