Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Bathing The dock at Argenteuil Nicholas Lanier Stredoslovensky St George and the Dragon df The Adoration of the Christ Child nn Seated Woman in Violet Stockings -12- Paloalto Four Allegories- Perseverance and Fortun art design fine inlay technique wood wor The Dancer Barbara Campanini Maternity Mons picture who framed roger rabbit Daedalus and Icarus MAT View of Brittany Portrait of a Young Man 68lkj Coronation of Napoleon Self Portrait vch Legnica Cow and fiddle Duzce The Grand Canal and the Church of the Sa The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple St Francis and Scenes from his Life -08- Nature mort a la Bouteille de Peppermint Profile of a Woman The Art of Painting -detail- eqt California landscape Innocent Allies The First Anniversary of the Death of Be The Archangel Michael On the Turf Bench -nn02- Portrait of a Little Gril with a Book Knight Pointers on a Covey with sportsmen beyon La Crucifixion -df02- Portrait du comte-duc d-Olivares -df02- The Passage of the St.Gothard
Fernard Leger:
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