Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
The Sacrifice of Isaac dfg Udnie Interior of the St Bavo Church at Haarle Portrait d-un officier allemand Ramona The Haloes Tribute Money The Money-changer and his wife -08- The Annunciation 9 A Lady at the Paris Exposition -nn02- An Oleander -23- Still-life sf Winter g Reclining Nude Monterey Coast Cyprus GUARDI, Francesco Gardener Waimanalobeach sea animal Arroyo Seco with Bridge The Concert sg Thomas Pead Damascus Standardcity The Mountain Brook Northpekin Henry Duke of Cumberland -25- Madonna Enthroned with the Child, St Fra COLLANTES, Francisco The church of Paris Southjacksonville ANDREA DA MURANO Landscape Paysage Boy in Blue Edwin long,R.A. St Catherine Reading a Book sd Madwoman 5 A southern landscape with drovers and th The Tournament
Fernard Leger:
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