Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Cleopatra before Caesar Oktisi Self-Portrait dfhh Peter I Poynter, Sir Edward John Sun Worship in Montana Madonna and Child sgw Greeting the Sun Landscape with St Matthew and the Angel Tequendama Falls near Bogota, New Granad Painter-s Wife Landscape near Berchtesgaden Portrait of a man The Temle of Janus William Schumacher Cantemir Bassin Central Roundlakeheights certificate frame Winterthur annenberg collection impressionism impre Minto The City of Paris The Window towards to City Forestislandpark Woman of Holland Abbey in an Oak Forest Ladnscape with Shepherds miniature wood frame roof Realistic Red Rose Haswell John Constable The Adoration of the Child Self Portrait li Madonna and Child Harvesters by Firelight Vermilion natural wood frame wood frame stacking chair
Fernard Leger:
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