Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Assumption of the Virgin,detail with the The three Graces Adoration of the Magi Sermon on the Mount and Healing of the L Hugo Reisinger The Foundling Restored to its Mother Vive Priape Kendall The Adoration of The Magi japan life still A Button Selbstbildnis als Soldat The Vision of the Boy Bartholomew Domenico Ghirlandaio,Stories of john the Lanscape -33- At the Outpost -22- Portrait of Antonius Anselmus, His Wife Venus Portrait of David Hume dy Otis Neum The Assumption of Mary Magdalen into Hea Middelburg Altarpiece Glencoe Progress of Love-The Lover Crowned hostname image Hl.Augustinus Still-life sf Wels Charles X Bestwing Honors on the Artists The Field of the Cloth of Gold -25- Domenico Ghirlandaio,The Calling of the The Raft of the Medusa -10- The Artist wiht his Wife and Saughters School of Fontainebleau utah scenery Druidhills Peter Paul and Pbilip Rubeens with their creature corner Street in Spring
Fernard Leger:
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