Here are other Fernard Leger's oil paintings.
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Beatrice addressing Dante from her Wagon San Diego Farm self-Portrait -nn03- Madonna di Piazza Tambouring with Pansies -nn04- A Port scene with figures loading a boat Kardla Sun Valley Still Life with Fruit and Shellfish szh The Terrace Claude Monet Painting at the Edge of a W Fishing in the Spring,Pont de Clichy -nn Hertogenbosch Night Amsterdam Serving Girls on the Gracht -n self portrait Composition NO.ii Composition with Blue 14th armour century medieval reproductio Monaghan Boats on the Beach of Saintes-Maries -nn The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magda HELST, Bartholomeus van der Gypsy with a Mandolin The Holy Family with Angels master of St-Germain-des-Pres Bottle and water bottle Venus of Urbino -08- Atkins Marius at Minturnae Virgin and Child AF The Recovery of Bahia in Brazil Portrait of Maurice Sons -23- St Peter Walking on the Water Baigneuses en Seine -40- After the Bath Marine Antwerp Gatewary to Flanders Portrait of an Old Man kky Ancona Details of Bushes LICINIO, Bernardino
Fernard Leger:
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