Here are other Stanislav Zhukovsky's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Sanlurfa Midville Leon Frederic antique wood frame Tavush Three body-s design Conduit Pierre Bonnard Louveciennes - The Road to Versailles Rose Caryatid with Blue Border -39- Henry Iv Receiving The Portrait of Maria John Atkinson Grimshaw Old Pew Study of cloudy sky Paradise Berkeley Dante-s Vision of Rachel and Leah -28- Martha and Mary Magdalene Portrait of the Writer Fyodor Dostoyevsk Death of Admiral de Coligny Tamalpais-homesteadvalley Meule sur les bords du Loing Alexandre Roubtzoff Tempe Water-Lilies St Barbara dg The Woman with the Unicorn The Breakfast Room -nn02- The Children of Edward Hollen Cruttenden Morganton The Vision of Saint Helena The Bank and Royal Exchange Albert s Son Lord, Caroline A. Sultan Husayn on this throne Masolino Madame Charles-Louis Trudaine -05- Across the Harbor Herod-s Feast Onions and Bottles
Stanislav Zhukovsky:
one of the most known landscape writers in Russia.1873-1944
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