Here are other William Logsdail's oil paintings.
This artist is not available now.
Early Spring The adoration of the shepherds Merson, Luc-Olivier Tall Portuguese-s fem Red and Yellow Hills Napoleon Crossing the Saint Bernard image impressionism photo subjective The Visitation after the Sermon The still life having guitar The Regents of the Kloveniersdoelen Eati Head of the Demon -19- The Marriage at Cana -05- Balharbour Jean-Baptiste Isabey and his Daughter Tree of My Life Orchid Eastsonora Portrait of Francesco I de Medici Rain,Steam and Speed,The Great Western R Woman with a Medallion-Mystery- A New Generation The Resurrection of Lazarus A Bar at the Folies-Bergere -09- Peel Lacoochee The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Procl The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise Seated Drinkers cf Francis Danby The Normandy Cider Press architect landscape Raphael and the Fornarina St Jerome and the Lion -detail- dfg Marchesa Cattaneo with a Servant The Hermitage at Pontoise The Marriage Feast at Cana 2 The Verdict of the People Cubism Bar Loss
William Logsdail:
William Logsdail Gallery
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