abstract background myspace The massacre of the innocents van gogh starry night Kentacres Lady Rocksavage Garden of Delight Portrait of a Woman Self Portrait at Saint Remy Portrait of a Young Girl fdtd Realistic Yellow Rose The Hero Faramurz scatters the troops of St Cecile with the Donator and St Margue Oaks and Shadows Portrait of a sculptor,bust length,set w Portraits of Lieven van Pottelsberghe an Jetty At Trouville Henrietta Johnston Entombment of Christ dfg Charing Cross Bridge Public Gardens.The Conversation-The Nurs Regentesses of the Old Men-s Almshouse - Buldings Abstraction,Lancaster Bather Portrait of Tomas de Iriarte Bogdancic Spring Samuel Palmer,OWS Christopher Wood Danapoint Woman Knitting Self-Portrait Holding a Roemer Forest Andromeda Freed by Perseus A Girl with a Doll Costume Ball at the Tuileries Palace CARON, Antoine Le massacre de Boston The Devils Cast Out of Arezzo Blockton mirror security
Henri Matisse:
French Fauvist Painter and Sculptor, 1869-1954
Henri Matisse is considered the most important French artist of the 20th century and, along with Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential modernist painters of the last century. Matisse began studying drawing and painting in the 1890s. A student of the masters of Post-Impressionism, Matisse later made a reputation for himself as the leader of a group of painters known as Les Fauves. An ironic label given to them by a critic, the name reflected Matisse's aggressive strokes and bold use of primary colors. In 1905 Matisse gained sudden fame with three paintings, including Woman with the Hat, purchased by the wealthy American ex-patriot Gertrude Stein. Beyond painting, he worked with lithographs and sculpture, and during World War II he did a series of book designs. Later in his career he experimented with paper cutouts and designed decorations for the Dominican chapel in Vence, France. Along with Picasso,