Superposition-s head Portrait Deposition -detail- The Depositon from the Cross Proserpine -28- Le Bain turc -32- Suzanna in the Bath Levelock Hirtshals Portrait of Dr.Christian Bucher Vases of Flowers DTU Self-Portrait in the Studio Aurora Neptune Chasing Coronis Cullom The Love Letter -detail- kyi The Fourteenth of July Celebration in Pa Fly-Agarics,Study Bealeafb Nocturne The Fountain of Youth Joseph and his Brethren Man in Armour Prout, Samuel Neskaupstadhur Autumn Landscape -nn04- The Gold Stairs -19- Flock of Sheep Deas Charles Winter Landscape Tribute Money At the Palmist-s Nicholas Lanier Novella di Nastagio degli Onesti -36- The Light of the Hareem -32- Bal au Moulin de la Galette Christ's Head Piece of Beef EECKHOUT, Gerbrand van den View on the Stour,Dedham Church in the d River Landscape with Apollo and the Cume