Dugger The Virgin with the Rabit -05- The Lying-in-State of St. Bonaventura A Sculpture Gallery in Rome at the Time Keylargo Still Life2 MAITANI, Lorenzo Schmadribach -09- Lehighacres The Iris -nn04- Saskia sa Flora The Ghent Altar The Nativity with Saints Francis and Law The Journey of the Magi -nn03- The Birth of Venus The Gate Memory Valjevo TENIERS, David the Elder Spring-inundation Amusing Party in the Open Air s The Philosophers of Alexandria sg EECKHOUT, Gerbrand van den Poipu Supper Party qr Rockport The Rape of the Sabine Women sg Portrait of Madame Pissarro Sewing near Peasant Women Placing pea-Sticks in the Dahlias Holy Family with St John the Baptist and The Fairy Teller's Masterstroke Montesereno Death of Procris CHERICO, Francesco Antonio del landscape painting monet print The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel r Graing Horses i -34- Macbeth and the Three Witches Details of Peasant Wedding Feast