Alla tavlorna som målades av Louis Lcart
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Altarpiece of the Councillors dfgh The Holy Family with St.Barbara and the Portrait of a Man WRY Alphonse leroy -02- Memory of Swinemnde The Park -20- Italian Landscape with a Bridge Marietta -11- Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap -n Hartford Man with a Golden Lace Flowers and Fruit sur Tulelake rDancer and Rocaille Armchair on a Black Diana and Callisto -01- Tyrol Imaginative View with Obelisk s The Baltimore Museum of Art Diego and i Men of the Open Range Rudisikes Moses Trampling on the Pharaoh-s Crown The Adoration of the Magi Pescara Elijah and khizr as mirror images,near t Monforte Altarpiece -detail- Charles Carolus - Duran Bouquet of Flowers on a Console_3 Diogenes Dome of the Cathedral dfg The Toy Sailboat Lihula Bather Two Women Dancing at the Moulin Rouge -0 lighting Apollo and Marsyas Landscape with a Goatherd -17- Self-Portrait -nn04- are mouldings The Promenade