Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcola on 17 Mossa, Gustave Adolphe Ginepro d'Este Allegory of Vice BRESCIANINO, Andrea del Genes -11- Chulavista Gathering Fruit Presevo Young Woman Powdering Herself Study of an Ash Trunk -46- The Girlhood of Mary Virgin Ecce agnus Dei fg The Gallery of Archduke Leopold in Bruss Christ in the Wilderness The Night Watch -08- Jobst Harrich stretched limousine St.Ivo,Protector of Widows and Orphans Frederick Rihel on Horseback Bankston Personage wearing a green mantle third i Richgrove La Siesta Mosaics from Hadrian-s valla at Tivoli Portrait of a Man in Military Costume The Cake Seller af Reading Prentice, Levi Wells Schlo Kammer at Lake Atter I -20- Moses Saved from the Water Southwestranches To the Memory of Cole evil creature Crook The Visitation Frescoes on the right wall Paul-Camille Guigou Mother and Child Splendour of the Grand Tetons