Bochum Details from Caliph al Ma mun in his bat Butinge The Muir Glacier in Alaska Granitehills animal name The Vampire St.Eulalia High Cliff, Coast of Maine Zielona Gora Mist Rising in the Riesengebirge -10- LICINIO, Bernardino Two Men on the Beach in Moonlight -10- Albert Edward, Prince of Wales Coronation of the Virgin and Saints -det Vestjaelland Details of The Burial of the Sardine self portrait Raymond The Massacre of the Innocents -25- Rudy Road Rising into Deep Grass Madame Claude Monet aver son Fils Luhans'k Self-Portrait with Straw Hat -nn04- african american art The Monastery of San Pedro Fishing Boats January,from the Da Costa Book of Hours Pinole Sweden SNYDERS, Frans Truth II -19- La theatre du gymnase -21- Women,on a Cafe Terrace -san16- The Aegean Sea Madonna of Don Icon nst Virgin Giving the Scapular to St Simon S Zacharie Astruc Powell