Peasants at the Table -El Almuerzo- r icon picture Westmemphis The Return of the Hunt -37- Nash, Joseph Wilhelm Steinhausen A Japanese Imploring a Divinity Loo, Jacob van Still Life -Aux Fiancailles- -09- pictorial Place du marche a Tanger -32- La Primavera Nature morte de pommes dt d-oranes Lakeland Dix Newport Clarence a gagnon Landscape with Cephalus and Procris Reun Zilupe Tommaso Portinari and his Wife wh Glorification of the Rule of Urban VIII St Francis dfgd The Birth of Venus Unconscious Rivals Pallas Athene -20- The Annunciation Sundsvall The Madonna and Child Enthroned,with SS. Madonna with the Child 65 alex art grey mirror sacred visionary Madame de Caumartin as Hebe Above the Clouds at Sunrise Kacanik Biglin Brother-s Match Erzurtim The Art of Painting -33- BLOOT, Pieter de Molino Dinner Near Lake Placid, Andirondack Mountains,