Sugarhill Christ's Blessing Neuchatel The Sleeping Gypsy Francis Picabia Mountairy wood frame futon The Maison Carree at Nimes Head of an Angel Perry, Lilla Calbot Berkeleylake The Virgin and Child Adored by Angels -0 Salaj Jurmala Nightfall Down the Thames London- Westminster Bridge under Repair HAMEN, Juan van der Joseph makes himself known to his brothe Landscape with Tobias and the Angel La route de Sin-le-Noble -11- James Monroe Young Girls in a Garden in Montmartre Landscape with a Sacrifice to Apolio -n0 Portrait of Yevgenia Kirkaldi Henry d Estienne Virgin and Child Northjudson Still-Life with a Skull jg Quaratesi Altarpiece- St. Nicholas and t Craigmont Self Portrait with Model Portrait of a Man ate The Tribute Money -33- wood picture The Sacrifice of Isaac fd Slavonski Brod Mrs Daniel Sargent Eel Spearing at Setauket Pieta -08- Ruins of Taormina