Portrait of a Woman, called The Nun Stefano Torelli Vicente Palmaroli Gonzalez Tree with Crows -10- Adele Besson wood photo frame Lilac Molly Longlegs with Jockey -08- The Lovesick Woman The Operation -08- WINTERHALTER, Josef the Younger Thomas whittle,jun Kotzebue Carlo Portelli Place de la Trinite Christ Carrying the Cross er Triptych dsf Woman Bathing in a Stream Thanatos I -19- Artemisia Gentileschi Eucharist in a Fruit Wreath San Giacomo di Rialto f A View of Het Sterckshof near Antwerp r Dierks October Gold Pointclear Yosemite,Evening from Glacier Point, Amalia de Llano de Llano y Dotres William Merrit Chase Crossing a Creek Carriere de la Chaise-a-Marie a Fontaine Singing Boy with a Flute Autoportrait ditautrefois Portrait de Ga Keycolonybeach The Gallery of Archduke Leopold in Bruss Landscape by Moonlight -43- Afternoon in Naples Ildefonso Receiving the Chasuble -05- Soldier Offering a Young Woman Coins PERUGINO, Pietro