Philomenes Recognized by the Old Woman After the Rain -20- Melbourne Museum Victoria TIEPOLO, Giovanni Domenico The still life having newspaper A Ferry Boat near Arnheim sg Merry Company in an inn Flint Castle Georgia Girl with a Jug Capron Benjamin Sayre Cory Kilvert Voltigeurc -Winner of the Great Matchrac Klimt, Gustav Portrait of Mary Rogers- Lady Harrington Stories of Virginia St Luis King of France with a Page -05- The Five Eldest Children of Charles I -2 The Artist and his Wife in a Honeysuckle Landscape with a Watering Place -05- Montpelkier Self Portrait ffcx Indian Raven Henry Bacon Bridge Baywood-lososos Composition No II Composition with Blue Artur Timoteo da Costa Woman Leaning on the Back of a Chair -st Allegory of Celestial Love srt First mark Felix Vallotton Mrs. Benjamin Thaw and her Son Thomas Young Seymour Veduta del Palazzo Ducale Melendez, Luis Eugenio Colliermanor-cresthaven Perseus Liberating Andromeda Self-Portrait in61 Waiting in the Moonlight -43-