Montereypark The Springtime, The Haymaking Concert of Birds bhgh Rapidscity Boy in Blue ashley force photo Room of the Masks Eregli Sargent-s -18- Cattage and Woman with Goat -nn04- MIERIS, Frans van, the Elder Clutier Noblesville The Folk Song Interior of the Sistine Chapel Allenville George Bellows The Gun Foundry Vladimirovo Sebastiaan Leerse in his Gallery dgh St George and the Dragon st A Flemish Market and Washing-Place digital frame Slaughtered Pig -14- Large Bright Shop Window Portrait of a Young Married Couple dg Portrait of Vera Alekseevna Repina Under the Birches Dish St. George Kills the Dragon mona lisa Kouts Recreation by our Gallery Freud Museum London Gloucester Schooners and Sloop National Air and Space Museum Kronborg Castle Gentiluomo -45- Concert on a Balcony sg WEENIX, Jan Baptist