William Smith Jewett The Brook Two Drafthorses in Front of a Cottage -0 Bellerive Simon Bening Schererville In a Garden at Cookham -46- Cheshirevillage Lamentation dfg The Young Ladies of the Banks of the Sei St John -detail- dfg Marsing Little Self-portrait sgr Portrait of a Young Woman Davis Fresco in the main hall of the Hunting B Pope Innocent X wet Robert Bateman drawings Creppe Hugh Henry Breckenridge Mcgehee landscape memory art attack Two Sun Atlante fgh Archangel ighi abstract art expressionism from metropol The clown with Guitar Leda and the Swan Muddy Helmond Montezuma jbl creature ii Art,or The Sphinx.or The Caresses -19- Diana and Callisto -01- Red Sky Francois-Hubert Drouais Mardi Gras Portrait of Garcia de-Maedici