The Brook Young Boy with a Cat St.Michael Victorious,known as the Great Indian Boy white wood frame The Paradise Colts at a Watering-Place. Island in Lake Atter -20- Halaula The Storm 7 Dedham Lock and Mill -09- Repe of Deianira The New Town Hall in Amsterdam sf Joseph-s Bloody Coat Brought to Jacob Studio at East Gloucester Holyday -The Picnic- -nn01- Quarry at Bibemus Hincesti The Boston People Watching From the Hous Miracle of the Desecrated Host -Scene 1- William Frand Calderon Still Life with Oysters and Pastries Duet ar metal frame picnic table Wauconda Buttecity Vernonhills Dreams Equivalents for the Megaliths Cariatide rose avec un bord bleu -38- Portrait of Susan Macdowell Eakins scenery horse oil painting Tugboat and Lighter Foxrivervalleygardens Portstjoe November s Harmony Madonna and Child with Commissioners Charity fdgr Giotto