Hercules and the Hydra Nicholson Portrait of a Man Holding Gloves and Let St Sebastien Attended by St Irene f MOR VAN DASHORST, Anthonis Netherlandish Household sg Votive Card The Ambassadors Return to the English Co American Destroyer Patrol along the Atla Le Divan Japonais Lady Blessingham-s Dog The Adoration of the Shepherds Portrait of a Boy animal kingdom Rene-Hilaire De Gas romanticism The Fountain of Youth The Landscape of River Thames Medaryville Capriccio- Ruins and Classic Buildings d Wailua Diamondsprings Micco Pieter Aertsen Poppies near Argenteuil -06- BREGNO, Andrea Delaware Twililght Girl with Flowers Stjohns St.George and the Dragon Waverly Kuver Maja Jekabpils Assumption of Mary khj Portrait of Edouard Manet Harvest Scene Blue Cover Susannah and the Elders Paysage